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Resources For Grief Blog

Welcome to this online journal for caregivers to the dying or bereaved—important and challenging work, for sure! My goal is to support you by providing inspirational thoughts, pertinent resources, and suggestions for self-care. With appreciation for all you do!

- Rebecca Hauder

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Practice Moderation During the Holidays

Practice Moderation During the Holidays

November 23, 2022

Moderation, Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything.

These are the secrets of happiness and good health.

~Julia Child


It's that time of year again when my dietary intake tends to expand to include foods I'm not generally accustomed to eating. After all, eating and drinking with friends and coworkers is one of the season's most enjoyable rituals.


I offer a few suggestions* to keep in mind as we approach our eating and drinking this season:


1) Be aware of everything we put in our mouths, including alcohol. We know the science—high carb foods fills us up fast, but when the blood sugar crashes a while later, we feel fatigued, irritable, and have trouble focusing, not to mention extra pounds to carry. So eat those goodies in small portions, and drink responsibly!


2) Keep a stash of healthy high-protein snacks on hand–nuts, pumpkin seeds, celery or apple slices with peanut butter, cheese sticks, hard-boiled eggs, and cut-up veggies with hummus. These supply quick energy and help maintain a stable blood sugar level.


3) Plan ahead. Think about next week's meals and snacks and have a list before going to the grocery store! Mental lists are good but visible lists are better. And, before you drink, make sure you have designated a driver.


May your holidays be healthy and safe,


Rebecca Hauder BSN, M.Ed.


*The Nature of Caregiving, Photographs and Words to Inspire Self-Care, by Rebecca S. Hauder

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