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Resources For Grief Blog

Welcome to this online journal for caregivers to the dying or bereaved—important and challenging work, for sure! My goal is to support you by providing inspirational thoughts, pertinent resources, and suggestions for self-care. With appreciation for all you do!

- Rebecca Hauder

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Accept Your Imperfections

Accept Your Imperfections

August 30, 2020

There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. ~Leonard Cohen

Have no fear of perfection. You’ll never reach it. ~Salvador Dali


Navigating the do’s and don’ts during this COVID pandemic is challenging! The other day a neighbor introduced me to her friend who then reached out to shake my hand. Without thinking twice I shook hers. Then I caught myself. “Oops I exclaimed, we aren’t supposed to do that.” We both sheepishly smiled.

As a caregiver, you’ve likely said “oops” to yourself at one time or another when forgetting to adhere to some specific safety protocol, of which there are many these days! While some blunders may implicate your health or someone else’s and need to be reported, most aren’t that serious. In either case, let us allow our mistakes and missteps to serve as a wake-up call to improve ourselves and do things differently next time. And, instead of getting discouraged, may we accept our gaffes as simply cracks that can allow the light to get in.

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