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Resources For Grief Blog

Welcome to this online journal for caregivers to the dying or bereaved—important and challenging work, for sure! My goal is to support you by providing inspirational thoughts, pertinent resources, and suggestions for self-care. With appreciation for all you do!

- Rebecca Hauder

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A Prayer for Peace in the Midst of Difficult Times

A Prayer for Peace in the Midst of Difficult Times

March 20, 2020

"Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble, noise, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." ~Unknown

For myself, in this time of anxiety and uncertainty,

I seek the Spirit’s peace.

For the most vulnerable among us,

I seek the Spirit’s peace.

For caregivers and health care workers at risk,

I seek the Spirit’s peace. 

For those lacking income to pay the bills,

I seek the Spirit’s peace.

For those isolated and feeling alone,

I seek the Spirit’s peace.

For those making decisions with implications for many,

I seek the Spirit’s peace.

Empower us all to continue caring, loving, and offering the Spirit's peace to those whose lives we touch.

Peace to all,

Rebecca S. Hauder, RN, LCPC

(The above prayer is adapted from an unknown source. Of course you can substitute God, Higher Power, Christ in place of Spirit.)

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